Why am I sent to voicemail when I call?
Due to the nature of my small practice, most calls will go to voicemail to minimize distractions while I am in session with patients and I will get back to you with 2 business days.
How long does it take for a healthcare professional to contact me after I leave a message?
Calls will be returned within 2 business days.
Is the therapy you provide just supportive therapy?
Some tend to compartmentalize or become avoidant in terms of confronting painful memories, even when they have been in weekly therapy for a long time. In my work with you, and with the help of medications to “grease the wheel” and reduce the defensive need to suppress and avoid, you will take an active role in discussing challenging issues in attempts to shift perspective and impact behavioral changes.
What are your thoughts on therapy overall?
In psychiatry, there has been a separation between therapy and medication management. I believe in integrating both approaches, focusing on the psychological aspect of talk therapy alongside the biological approach of medication management. This combination allows for a more comprehensive and effective treatment.
Do you accept Insurance?
I accept insurance.
Do you prescribe benzos?
Benzodiazepines are highly effective in emergencies and can be useful when titrating certain medications, providing relief while waiting for them to become effective and therapeutic.
I do not however prescribe benzodiazepines to be taken on a daily basis.
Do you prescribe ADHD medications?
Yes, ADHD can cause significant impairments in one’s life. I also consider alternatives to stimulants if side effects are an issue.